Who We Work With

Although I work with both men and women, most of my clients are women. And because women are expected to live nearly 90% longer in retirement than men, it’s essential that they take control of their financial future.

Lisa Strauss

Financial Independent Women:  Empowering women with tailored financial guidance through life’s transitions, focusing on informed, strategic decision-making.

Mark and Sarah Miller​

Amicable Couples: Facilitating cooperative couples navigate a mutually beneficial financial separation with respect and understanding.

Emily Richardson

Suddenly Single: Supporting individuals who are unexpectedly single with compassionate, comprehensive financial planning for a new life chapter.

Pre-Divorce Checklist

Pre-Divorce Checklist

Going through a divorce can be an incredibly challenging and emotionally taxing period.

It’s a phase where life may seem quite turbulent. If you’re contemplating a divorce or if your partner has initiated the discussion, we’ve developed a list of items you should address before you proceed.

Lisa Strauss

Lisa is a 45-year-old marketing executive who has recently decided to pursue a divorce. She is financially independent, with a successful career and a diverse investment portfolio. Lisa has a high income and owns multiple properties. However, the prospect of navigating the financial complexities of divorce feels overwhelming to her. As a busy professional, Lisa appreciates efficient, focused assistance that respects her time constraints.

Scenario Analysis and Post-Divorce Financial Forecasting: Lisa needs in-depth analysis and projections for each settlement option to clarify her financial status after the divorce. This insight is crucial for her to strategically plan her post-divorce financial life, especially considering her substantial assets and income.

Pain Points:

  • Lisa requires a financial analyst who can comprehend and strategize around her extensive assets, including real estate, investments, and retirement accounts.
  • Lisa is interested in ongoing educational support to enhance her financial literacy and confidence throughout the divorce process.
  • Lisa is looking for hourly fee-based services for her divorce financial analysis.

Lisa would like to work with someone who understands what she is going through and can address the various aspects of divorce (legal, financial, and emotional).

Mark and Sarah Miller

In their late 50s, Mark and Sarah are high-income couples with significant assets accumulated over the years. They own multiple properties and have diverse investment portfolios, and Mark is a partner in a successful business. The complexity of their financial situation has made divorce challenging, requiring specialized financial guidance.

Their split is amicable, and they agree it’s in their best interests to work together toward a fair and reasonable split of assets.

Joint Settlement Projections and Individual Post-Divorce Planning: Mark and Sarah require detailed projections for various amicable settlement scenarios and individualized post-divorce financial plans. These projections are vital for them to visualize and understand their respective financial futures separately, ensuring a fair and informed division of assets.

Pain Points:

  • Mark and Sarah seek a divorce financial analyst who can comprehensively assess their extensive assets and provide strategies for equitable distribution.
  • Given the sensitivity of their financial information, Mark and Sarah prioritize working with a professional they can trust to handle their affairs discreetly.
  • Mark and Sarah need a financial analyst experienced in handling complex financial portfolios and business ownership structures.
  • They require coordination with their legal team to ensure seamless integration of financial and legal strategies.
  • Mark and Sarah want continuous support to address evolving financial situations post-divorce as individuals vs. a couple.

Emily Richardson

Emily is a 42-year-old woman who has been a homemaker for the past 20 years, raising two children while her husband took charge of all financial responsibilities. Recently, Emily’s marriage has ended, and she finds herself in unfamiliar territory as she navigates the world of finances and divorce.

Future Financial Outlook and Settlement Projections: Emily requires comprehensive projections that illustrate the financial impact of different divorce settlement scenarios. This will help her understand what her financial life will look like post-divorce, ensuring she is equipped with the knowledge to manage her expenses and maintain financial stability.

Pain Points:

  • Emily is eager to understand and take control of her financial situation after relying on her husband for financial management throughout the marriage.
  • Emily values a compassionate approach, understands the emotional toll of the divorce process, and appreciates a financial analyst who can provide empathetic guidance.
  • Emily requires foundational budgeting, savings, and investment knowledge to make informed decisions about her financial future.
  • As her husband handled all financial matters, Emily needed guidance in comprehending complex financial concepts, including the tax implications of asset division, valuation of illiquid assets such as a family business, and managing shared debts.
  • Emily would like to hire a professional who can assist her post-divorce with financial planning and wealth management.